Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Phoenix Connexion 04-03

This week, Ben Krumholtz, regular co-host (with Tim Meylander) of Channel 20's sports talk show "On The Ball" filled in for Josh Brewer (who had taken an "early spring break") on the PC sports segment.

In this week's "Maintenance Tip of The Week", Dan (left) saved Brian's walls from certain destruction, as he stopped him from using either nails, or residue-leaving tape to hang his picture. Students are to always use tacks or poster putty.

This edition of "Phoenix Connexion" introduced a new segment, "Dining in Green Bay", to explore potential off-campus dining options for students. This week, Kristen and some guy I don't know went to Brett Favre's Steakhouse, interviewed the manager, got a tour of the restaurant and sampled the food.

Paul Harris, owner of Harris' Karate Academy, put on a self-defense seminar at UWGB. In the second screenshot, he demonstrates on a quite levelheaded assistant.

The studio guest was Sgt. Jeff Gros of the campus Public Safety department, who gave some tips on how students can stay safe over spring break.

Coming next week: A tour of the almost-complete Kress Center (new athletic facility at UWGB) and an interview (conducted and filmed by me!) with Jeff Last, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Green Bay.


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